
HTML Basic Tags

## What is Tags in HTML

## How many Tags in HTML
There are many HTML tags. But regurlary for web designing we use some tags. Those are –

1. ** !DOCTYPE html**: This is the first line of code in any HTML

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HTML Elements

## What are HTML elements?
HTML element is from the start tag to the end tag.An element in HTML usually consist of a start tag ““, close tag ““ and content inserted between them. ***Technically, an element is a

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HTML Attribute

## What are attributes in an HTML?
HTML attributes provide additional information about HTML elements. For example, attributes can be used to change the color, size, or functionality of HTML elements.

## HTML Attribute
1. All HTML elements can have attributes.
2. An

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HTML Headings

## HTML Headings
In HTML, a heading tag is used to create a heading or a subheading for a section of content on a web page. The heading tag is denoted by the “h” letter followed by a number, where the

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HTML Paragraph

## HTML Paragraph
In HTML, paragraphs are created using the paragraph tag, which is represented by the ““ element. The paragraph tag is used to structure blocks of text on a webpage, and each paragraph of text is separated by a

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HTML Formatting

## HTML Formatting
HTML formatting tags are used to apply various styles and formatting to text and other content on a web page. These tags are used to define the structure and appearance of a web page. HTML formatting tags are

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HTML – Phrase Tags

## HTML – Phrase Tags
In HTML, phrase tags are used to markup text content that appears within a paragraph or other block-level element. They are used to add meaning and structure to the text, rather than to control its appearance.

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HTML Anchor tag

## HTML Anchor tag
The HTML Anchor tag ““ is used to create a hyperlink to another web page or a specific location within the same web page. It is one of the most commonly used HTML elements on the web.


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HTML Images

## HTML Images
HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) allows you to display images on a web page using the ““ tag.


You can use HTML images to add visual elements to your web page. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to use HTML

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HTML Tables

## Html Table
An HTML table is a structured grid of rows and columns used to display data or information on a webpage. It is one of the fundamental elements in HTML and can be used for a variety of purposes

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HTML – Lists

## HTML Lists
In HTML, there are three types of lists:
1. ““ -An ordered list. An ordered list is a numbered list. Each item in the list is numbered sequentially, starting from 1 by default.
2. ““ – An unordered

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HTML Colors

## HTML Colors
HTML Colors are the colors used in HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) documents to style the appearance of web pages. Colors are an important aspect of web design as they help to make a website visually appealing and engaging.


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HTML – Forms

## HTML Form
In this tutorial you will learn how to create a form in HTML to collect user inputs.
## What is HTML Form?
An HTML form is a section of a webpage that contains interactive controls that allow users to input

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HTML Block and Inline Elements

In general, HTML elements can be divided into two categories. such as:
– Block-level Elements
– Inline Elements

## Block-level Elements
Block-level elements in HTML are those that create a block of content that takes up the full width of their parent container and

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HTML Layouts & Elements In Details

## HTML Layouts
HTML Layout refers to the process of structuring and organizing the content on a web page. It involves creating a visual hierarchy of the different elements on the page and arranging them in a way that makes

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TypeScript Variable, Annotation and Inference Learning

In this article, we will discuss variables in TypeScript, including variable declaration and initialization, type annotations, and type inference. We will provide examples to help you better understand how variables work in TypeScript.

## Variable Declaration and Initialization

In TypeScript, variables can

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