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Top 200 Question and answers for Senior Fullstack WordPress Developer Interview in 2023

## Question List for Senior WordPress Developer

#### GENERAL Questions – [⇓](#content-general-question-answers)
1. [What is WordPress action hooks and Filter hook ? Tell us major different between them.](#content-q-what-is-wordpress-hooks-and-filter–tell-us-major-different-between-them)
1. [Which WordPress coding standard’s do you follow ?](#content-q-which-wordpress-coding-standards-do-you-follow)
1. [How to implement proper

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PHP Array and all it’s Examples

## What is Array in PHP
In our Data Types tutorial, we’ve shown, array is one kind of data type for almost any programming language. PHP also has that.
Array is a kind of Data-Structure which allows to store multiple values in

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Laravel Slug Helper Generate Unique slug for Laravel

## Simple Way: Beginner friendly

In Laravel, you can use the `Str::slug()` helper method to generate a unique slug for a given string. Here’s an example of how you might use it:

use IlluminateSupportStr;

$title = ‘My Blog Post’;
$slug = Str::slug($title, ‘-‘);

echo $slug;

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Laravel + Twilio SMS System Integration in Simple Way

Today, we’ll integrate laravel and Twilio SMS system to send SMS from Twilio sms number to another number.
Step 1:
Create Laravel Project called sms-portal –
composer create-project laravel/laravel sms-portal
Step 2:
Setup database in .env file – Create a database called – <code

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PHP If-else-elseif and Switch-case

## What is `if` in programming language.
`if` is a very important feature of any programming language. It’s used to execute conditional statement based on any condition. In PHP, here is the structure of an if-statement.

if (condition or any expression that

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