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Trie Data Structure with Practical Examples

Ever wondered how search engines suggest related words as you type? It’s all thanks to a clever data structure called `Trie`. Tries also play a vital role in implementing contact lists or address books, allowing for fast searching and retrieval

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Priority Queue Data Structure with Practical Examples

Often, there is a need to store and access data while considering their assigned priorities. However, traditional data structures may require costly rearrangements when new elements are added or deleted, impacting performance. `Priority Queues` offer a solution by efficiently arranging

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Map Data Structure with Practical Examples

The Map data structure, also known as a dictionary, plays a crucial role in various real-life applications such as database indexing, network routing, caching etc., making it one of the most essential data structures. Its efficiency in storing and retrieving

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Set Data Structure with Practical Examples

In mathematics, a set is a collection of distinct objects. Set provides a way to organize and categorize elements based on their common properties. Various operations such as union, intersection, and complement are used to manipulate sets, providing a powerful

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